Even though you may be staying in one area for a few months, you aren’t moving permanently. You won’t have the luxury of “moving in” for good. Instead, you’ll have the stressful task of figuring out what you will and will not need for the next few months. Preparing ahead can reduce this stress. The items in this packing list are not only important to bring with you, but will prove helpful in sticky situations.
Having your documents is one of the most vital pieces on this travel nurse’s packing list. Not only is it good to have important documents on hand to ensure that they are safe, but you will need to use these periodically. These documents should include your car insurance, car registration, travel documents, social security card, birth certificate, driver’s license nursing license, credentials, and insurance policy.
Clothing for Travel Nursing
Scrubs are the most important piece of clothing you can pack to bring with you on your journey as a traveling nurse. Even so, you will need to bring other types of clothes too, like jeans, exercise clothes, or formal attire. Even though nursing is your aim, you may find other situations that require clothes other than your scrubs. To keep your luggage light, try to bring interchangeable clothes that will work for a variety of occasions.
First Aid and Sewing Kit
As a traveling nurse, you are sure to understand the importance of having first aid on hand. You may not have thought of bringing a sewing kit with you too. Just as sewing up a wound is helpful to a patient, sewing up a tear in your scrubs will prove to be a great help. Instead of having to worry about finding new scrubs, you can easily solve your wardrobe malfunction with a few minutes of sewing.
Portable Electronics Help In Travel Nursing
Having your phone and/or laptop with you while traveling will not only keep you in touch with your loved ones but will help you in many other ways. With either of these devices, you will be able to look up locations to shop and eat near you. You will also be able to locate different services that you may need, like an urgent care facility. Your phone, in particular, will allow you to listen to music or podcasts while you travel, as well as take photos of your journey.
Cooking Supplies
Maintaining a healthy diet in travel nursing is hard to manage on the road. If you want to save money and produce healthier meals, you may consider bringing cooking supplies along with you. With easy research, you can find out if you will have access to a stove or microwave in your new, temporary place of living. Being able to cook your own meals will not only give you a chance to relax but will also prove to be a good way to save money.
Traveling Nurse Resources
The most important thing to remember about packing as a traveling nurse is that you have time to prepare. The sooner you make a list, the less stress you will have while packing. Having the items in this packing list can really make a difference during your time as a traveling nurse, as well as make things easier for you. If you are still unsure about your location or want to start as a traveling nurse, we have the resources available to help.